
Rise of the Alpha Female

One of the more tedious aspects of the recent spate of alpha males behaving badly has been the experts who’ve covered, like faint mold, every scandal with their hoary theories about Why Men Cheat. For every skank on speed-dial, it seems, there is a shelf of studies explaining why some primo husband has bent to her appeal. Outsized ego, insecurity, hubris, and a complete disconnection from reality are big—if diametrically opposed—contenders. But the most popular theories take us back to the savannah, where troglodytes in the know sought out the dewiest, most puffy-lipped cave ladies to carry on their line. The widely held conclusion: Powerful men aren’t weak, they’re savvy. And cheating isn’t endemic—it’s evolutionary.

— The Daily Beast

December 12th, 2009 at 5:12 pm